Seller FAQs

Nobody will ever force you out of your home. Once you have a buyer and start looking for your new home, we will keep your buyer updated. If you cannot find a new home within the first few weeks and your buyer will not wait, we will find you a new buyer.

Our fees are dependant on your property and the services you require. We will offer you a free market appraisal meeting where we will discuss your needs and offer you a reflective price.

Please be aware that not all buyers allow viewers who are not proceedable to purchase. You may also find the new home of your dreams and miss out because you were not on the market.

Each property sale is different. If speed is an important motivator, please discuss this with us and your conveyancing solicitor.

If you are ready to move now is a good time. You need to be on the market if you want to sell.

We offer a viewing service with our sales negotiators. We arrange viewings with you first to ensure it is a suitable time.

Yes first time buyers are still actively buying houses. They may have changed their criteria but they are still buying.

We will discuss our marketing strategy with you, we want you involved in the process. This will often involve our team promoting your property with our current buyers as well as our online strategies.

Some agents offer a dual agency agreement. We work independently on a sole agency agreement.

This could be for many different reasons. We will discuss these on a case by case basis.

We try and arrange viewings on the same dates to reduce disruption, if you wish to have an open house we are happy to discuss this.

Our experienced photographer is happy to discuss their plans on their visit. If you are not happy with the outcomes we will arrange to take new photographs with you.