Coronavirus update 

The wellbeing of our clients, staff and their families – together with continuity of service to clients – is of paramount importance. Outlined below are the precautionary measures we have taken to minimise the risk to our clients, staff and others.

As Central Office for the Lovelle Franchisees we are putting measures in place that mean that our service continues as usual with home working measures in place as necessary to ensure the smooth operational running of the business throughout the evolving advice that the government is issuing on a daily basis.

We are following all government advice and using the following links to ensure we implement the latest travel, isolation and hygiene practices within the business

Each of the offices in the Lovelle brand is run by an individually owned company operated on a Franchise licence. As such if you are a Landlord or Tenant, Vendor or Purchaser, please turn to the branch finder for contact details of the individual branch and email them directly to find out the details of their current policy regarding the daily operations of the branch. Rest assured all branches are putting measures in place to ensure they can continue to look after their clients’ needs, within the guidelines, in the best possible manner given the unprecedented circumstances.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to working through this with you.