Tips for a Romantic Night In

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Tips for a Romantic Night In | Lovelle

Valentine’s Day is almost upon us and it is a time to start planning some quality time to be together with that special person in our lives. For a lot of people, this means a romantic getaway or a candle lit dinner in a fancy restaurant. For others, though, who can’t perhaps get a babysitter or who don’t like the hubbub of valentine’s day out or who just don’t want to pay inflated prices especially given the current squeeze on finances, Valentine’s Day will be spent at home. That doesn’t mean that it should be any less romantic or special. But, how can you make it special when you are surrounded by the same 4 walls as every other day? Read on and we will give some great tips on how to have a romantic night in.

Do what you want

Perhaps the most important thing is to understand each other and know what the other likes and sees as romantic. For some it is a candlelit meal with classical music and some lovely food, for others it might that romance is cooking dinner together, perhaps trying out a new recipe or it might be a takeaway and a snuggle on the sofa, a nice bottle of wine and a romcom film. There is no one size fits all so when organising that special night in take into account what you both like and do that. No-one is going to judge you, well not anyone that matters anyway!

Romantic ideas

  • Let’s start really simple. Why not decide on a meal to cook together, put together a play list of all your favourite love songs, grab a bottle of wine or some G&Ts and then put the music on a cook together. Whilst the potatoes are bubbling, why not have a dance together? Hey, why not turn it into a sing off too and serenade each other? This is an evening about doing things together, cooking that meal you both enjoy, dancing together for no other reason than you can and even just singing together. Who needs expensive restaurants when you can have this much fun and quality time together?
  • Ok, you might not be in a position on this particular Valentine’s Day to go out, but you can still make it romantic. Why not sit together and plan your next getaway. It doesn’t even need to be a real plan. Talk to each other about where you would love to go together, why it would be so special, what you would do together and why it would mean so much. Just having that chat, or even planning for real, can really bring you together.
  • Why not have a spa night together? You probably don’t have a sauna or a hot tub, but you don’t need one. Grab yourself some lotions and potions, face masks and massage oils and pamper each other. Maybe take a shower together, or if your bath allows, share a bath, afterwards take time to pamper each other. A gentle relaxing massage maybe or painting face masks on each other. Again, the focus here is just being together and enjoying each other’s company.
  • Why not do something for the future? You’ve all heard of time capsules right? Well, why not make your own capsule? Put in all the things that define your relationship, put in old photos, personal mementos, written statements about each other. Whilst doing this reminisce about your life together, remember all those great things that you have done together and put them all in the capsule. Bury it and arrange a date in 5 years, 10 years to open it. The reminiscence alone is so romantic, but what about the anticipation of opening it in 10 years, even adding to it then?

Anything you do will be enhanced with soft lighting, relaxing music and the obvious candles. Now many people might think these are a little clichéd and perhaps they are, but they work, they change the mood in the home, make it more intimate and relaxing.

Being romantic isn’t about big gestures, it is about spending quality time with the one you love, quality time doing things that day-to-day life normally gets in the way of. Show each other how much you mean to each other in no uncertain terms and nothing could be more romantic than that.