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How to Take Care of Your Lawn Like a Pro

Whether it’s the pleasant aroma of fresh-cut grass or the sight of stripes neatly etched across the lush expanse, a well-manicured lawn is a homeowner’s pride. Beyond the aesthetic value, it can even add a few pounds to your property value. In this article, we delve into top-notch tips on how to care for your lawn like a pro, covering everything from repairing bald patches to effective weed management.

Patching Up the Bald Spots

First impressions last. Bald patches on your lawn can be off-putting, detracting from the overall aesthetics of your home. To tackle this issue, begin by raking the area to remove dead grass and other debris. Next, spread a layer of topsoil followed by grass seeds. Water regularly but avoid oversaturating the area. Keep off the seeded areas to allow for growth and in a few weeks, new grass will sprout, seamlessly blending with the rest of your lawn.

Managing Weeds: An Ongoing Battle

Weeds are an unsightly nuisance but also a serious threat to the health of your lawn. To manage these invaders, you could adopt either a pre-emptive or a reactive approach. Pre-emergent weedkillers work well for annual weeds like crabgrass, while post-emergent ones are effective against perennial weeds such as dandelions and clover. Remember, the best time to apply weedkillers is during early spring or autumn, when weeds are actively growing.

The Art of Lawn Stripes

Those captivating stripes on a lawn aren’t the work of magic but the result of an expert technique known as lawn striping. By bending the grass blades in different directions, you can create a pattern that catches the light and creates an illusion of alternating dark and light stripes. A lawn roller or a lawnmower with a roller attachment can be used for this task. Remember to alternate the direction of your stripes with each mow to prevent the grass from leaning in one direction permanently.

Edging: Defining Boundaries

Edging provides a neat finish to your lawn and is one aspect that truly distinguishes a professionally maintained lawn. Use a half-moon edger or lawn shears to trim any grass that’s overgrown onto the pavements or flower beds. This not only makes the lawn appear tidier but also prevents grass from encroaching on your other plants.

Feeding: The Secret to a Healthy Lawn

Feeding your lawn at the right times can make it healthier and more resistant to pests and diseases. Use a granular lawn fertiliser during spring and early summer, then a liquid one during autumn. Regular feeding replenishes essential nutrients in the soil, enhancing the lushness and vibrancy of your lawn.

Aeration: Let Your Lawn Breathe

Over time, your lawn can become compacted, reducing the penetration of essential elements such as air, water and nutrients. Aeration, which involves making small holes in the soil, helps to rectify this. Use a garden fork or a lawn aerator for the task. Autumn is an excellent time for aeration as it gives the lawn ample time to recover before winter.

Watering: Less is More

Contrary to popular belief, watering your lawn frequently is not beneficial. It encourages shallow root growth, making your lawn less resilient during dry periods. Instead, water deeply but infrequently, ideally in the early morning or evening to minimise evaporation.


With these professional tips, maintaining a verdant and healthy lawn is well within your reach. Remember, like any other aspect of home care, consistency is key. Regular mowing, timely feeding and judicious watering are fundamental to a thriving lawn. So why not give it a go? Transform your lawn from ordinary to extraordinary and watch as it elevates the overall allure of your home.